We apply the Care Act 2014 criteria to decide your eligibility for our care. An assessment will help to identify how care and support, or other services or resources in the local community, could help you become or stay independent, safe and well. 

We assess your need for care based on:

  • your physical and mental health                       
  • what you need help with 
  • your wellbeing

Your physical and mental health 

To meet the eligibility criteria for council-funded care, your needs for care and support must result from physical or mental health needs. 

What you need help with

We will also assess your ability to perform daily tasks. These are: 

  • shopping for food, preparing a meal, eating a healthy diet, or drinking plenty of fluids
  • keeping yourself clean
  • getting to and using the toilet
  • dressing or undressing or keeping your clothes clean
  • moving around inside and outside
  • keeping your home clean and tidy
  • staying in contact with your friends and family
  • working in a job, learning at school or college, or volunteering (where relevant) 
  • taking part in social activities and using local facilities
  • caring for a child that you look after (where relevant)

Your wellbeing

The last stage of eligibility criteria is whether there is a significant impact on your wellbeing if you cannot achieve the daily activities listed. 

When we consider the impact on your wellbeing, we look at: 

  • personal dignity
  • control over your day-to-day life
  • taking part in education
  • work or social activities
  • relationships with other people
  • having suitable accommodation
  • protection from abuse and neglect

Paying for your care 

Care provided by the council is means-tested. Most people will have to pay for some or all of their care. 

Even if you meet all the criteria for care, if you have more than £23,250 in savings and assets, you’ll have to pay for all care services you receive. People in this situation are known as self-funders.

If you have less than £23,250, you could qualify for help towards the cost of your care.

The rules are slightly different depending on your circumstances. 

Find out more about: 

Care needs checklist

If you need extra help but are unsure where to begin, you can use our care needs checklist. It will let you know if you’re likely to receive support and will direct you to the form to request a care needs assessment. 

If, after completing the checklist, you find that you are not eligible to get funded care from the council, the checklist will direct you to partner organisations for information about services provided by our partners, charities and voluntary groups. 

Start care needs checklist (for myself)

Start care needs checklist (on behalf of someone else)

Find out about care needs assessments