Sutton Central by-election
A by-election will take place on Thursday 10 April 2025 to elect a new local councillor in Sutton Central.
What you can do if your relationship has broken down or your landlord has increased the rent.
If you are living with your partner and your relationship has broken down, you need to know your housing rights.
This area of law is very complex, with your rights and options depending on a number of factors such as:
You may not have any rights to continue residing in the premises if your partner has asked you to leave and:
You are not usually viewed as 'homeless' if your relationship is breaking down.
If you're married to the owner or tenant of the premises, you may have "matrimonial rights" to carry on living there.
You may be able to submit an application to court to remain in the property for a period of time, if:
The factors listed above would all contribute to a full assessment of what your housing rights are, and hence what housing options are open to you.
If you need further advice on your rights, you should seek independent legal advice from a solicitor specialising in this area of law.
There are very strict rules about rental increases. These prohibit a landlord from randomly increasing the rental payments.
If you are renting privately, your tenancy agreement will detail the rent you have to pay and when these payments are due.
The tenancy agreement will state a "fixed term". This is the length of the contract, such as 6 months or 12 months. The rental level is fixed for this period. Moreover, when this fixed term expires, the same rental level will apply.
If your landlord wants to increase (or change) the rent level, they must do one of the following:
which you must sign, and thereby agree to. Please note that you are not obliged to sign this new tenancy agreement. However, this may force the landlord to consider eviction. This new tenancy agreement, when signed by all parties, will replace the previous tenancy agreement. Your landlord cannot evict you if your current tenancy agreement has not expired.
After the expiry of the fixed term, your landlord could propose a rental increase by using a legally endorsed document. As the tenant, you would have the opportunity to:
They are a panel whose job it is to determine fair market rent. You need to be aware that they may determine that the rental value of the property is higher than that proposed by your landlord.
You can submit an application to determine a fair market rent on GOV.UK.
If your landlord has proposed a rental increase by:
You can contact the housing benefit department on 020 8770 5000.
The LHA is the maximum amount of Universal Credit or Housing Benefit you can claim towards your rent. How much you are entitled to will depend on the size of your household, the size of the property and your income.
You can:
If you are renting privately, your landlord handles certain repairing obligations as set out in S.11 Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, as follows:
This doesn't apply to other fixtures, fittings and appliances for making use of the supply of water, gas or electricity.
You are responsible for telling the landlord about it. The landlord has a reasonable period of time to correct the fault.
This means taking into account:
Certain types of disrepair render a property uninhabitable. In some cases, our environmental health department may carry out an inspection to find out:
Whether they would visit or not depends on the disrepair. Mould, for instance, is sometimes due to a structural defect in the property, and hence the landlord would be responsible (as per part (a) above). If, on the other hand, your mould problem is due to poor ventilation coupled with drying your clothing indoors, this is likely to be deemed as the tenants responsibility to resolve.
You should always make any complaints in writing to your landlord and keep a copy for your records.
If you feel that your landlord is ignoring their responsibilities with regard to the disrepair, and you feel you cannot continue to reside in your current property, contact environmental health on 020 8770 5000.
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