The London Borough of Sutton (LBS) has acquired 217 homes on this development from the Berkeley Group. These homes are being funded via Right to Buy Receipts and internal LBS Housing Revenue Account (HRA) capital funding. Some of the homes are also likely to be funded by the GLA through their Affordable Housing Programme 2021-2026.
The entire scheme of circa 1000 homes is a welcomed boost to Sutton and provides:
- A significant contribution to the regeneration of Sutton town centre,
- A permeable landscape-led masterplan, with 60% of the site area landscaped and open space of 3.5 acres,
- A new 1.1 acre public park - Chalk Park,
- 35% affordable homes (by habitable room),
- Over 80% dual aspect homes,
- Improved connectivity in the locale, particularly with Manor Park.
The scheme received planning approval from the Council in December 2023.
The homes will be built to high energy standards; and this scheme in particular contains a high percentage of larger family homes for the Borough’s residents. The schemes will be let at social rent levels meaning that they will be genuinely affordable.
The demolition of the existing B&Q store is now underway, with the first affordable homes for LBS planned to be complete in 2029.