The Council is currently reviewing its Local Plan that was adopted in February 2018.

A local plan, prepared by all Councils in consultation with its community, sets out a vision and a framework for the future development of an area over 15 years. It addresses the current and future needs for homes, employment, town centre uses, education, health, open spaces, transport and infrastructure. Once in place, the Local Plan will become part of Sutton’s statutory development plan, setting out planning policies that will be used to determine planning applications and allocated sites where development will take place for all types of uses. 

The first formal stage in producing a local plan is consultation for a minimum of 6 weeks on the ‘Issues and Preferred Options’ document. Informed by an extensive evidence base prepared by the Council, it sets out the issues facing the borough over the next 15 years and a series of policy options to tackle these. 

This first stage of consultation on the Issues and Preferred Options document, is expected to take place in summer 2024.

Sutton’s Local Development Scheme 2024 to 2026


Privacy Notice

Any responses received by the Council to the call for sites will be held electronically for the purposes of meeting the council’s duties arising from reporting responses. Consultation responses will be kept for two years.

If you wish to have your details removed from the planning policy consultation list at any time please contact By remaining on the consultation list you consent to the council holding your name, contact details and, where relevant, organisation name in order to be contacted solely for future consultations on planning policy and related matters. Your details are held electronically and will not be passed on to any third parties for marketing purposes. The council’s privacy policy