Sutton students shine on A-Level results day!

15 Aug 2024

Young people in Sutton taking A-levels and Vocational Technical Qualification (VTCs) have smashed it, looking at exam results today, 

Sutton schools have achieved a preliminary average A or A* pass grade of 41.4% (compared with 27.6% nationally) - and a preliminary average A* - C pass rate of 85.4% (compared with 76% nationally).

Sutton’s students have continued to outperform national results across the country with a trend of outstanding results compared to national averages.

As well as achieving fantastic A-level results, student’s have also excelled in Vocational Training Qualifications, with a high number of students earning passes, merits, and distinctions across a large range of vocational subjects.

Students at Cheam High School celebrated their A-level and B-Tech results, with Pete Naudi, Headteacher at Cheam High School, commenting: “We are incredibly proud of our students, their families, and our dedicated staff, all of whom have worked tirelessly to achieve these outstanding results. The collective commitment of everyone in our school community has, once again, led to remarkable success, and it has been an absolute privilege to celebrate with our students this morning. Seeing the joy and excitement on their faces as they opened their results letters was wonderful.

“This year's achievements continue the exceptional track record of success for our students at Cheam High School. I extend my congratulations to all our Year 13 students and wish them every success in their future endeavours.”

Students at John Fisher also celebrated results day. Headteacher Robert Teague, reacted to their results, saying: “I am thrilled with these outstanding results which are testament to the hard work of our students and staff, and the unstinting support of parents and carers.  

“Our sixth form leavers will be greatly missed. Not only have they shone academically but many of them have distinguished themselves in other aspects of school life, including music and sport.  Above all, we are proud of the young men they have become and, as well as offering our warmest congratulations, we wish them every success in the next stage of their lives.  

“Special thanks also to our dedicated staff who have provided outstanding support and guidance to our students throughout their school journey. While today is very much a day of celebration for our students, we are pleased to note the significant improvement in our A Level results and we are looking forward to further progress over the next couple of years.”

Councillor Marian James, Chair of Sutton Council’s People Committee, said: “Huge congratulations to all Sutton students on getting their results today! 

“We know that everyone will have worked hard to get to today but for some their results may not have been as they had hoped for, but there are so many options and opportunities here in Sutton and I wish all students well in whatever they choose to do next.

“A huge thank you to all our teaching and support staff who have supported our young people to get to this crucial stage of their education.”

The government has lots of information about the next steps and options for young people following their results.

You can find each Sutton school results on their individual websites.